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Bookbuzz List 2013
Thursday 2nd May 2013
My Best Friend And Other Enemies has made the Bookbuzz list for 2013!
It is one of just 17 books chosen for the Bookbuzz scheme, joining prize-winners and best-selling authors who fill the list of titles chosen.
Under the Bookbuzz Programme, every year 7 pupil who registered gets a free book. Already 38,000 11-year-olds have registered, and last year 200,000 books were delivered into 1,400 schools.
One school librarian said of the scheme: ‘'The amount of children [who] come in and say 'Where's my book?' 'Why isn't my book here yet?''s immense... you wouldn't believe it. Just to be able to see that smile that day; it's worth every penny...That reaction is worth millions.'