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Monday 30th September 2013

Excitingly My Best Friend And Other Enemies has just had a lovely review in The Guardian here, by an 8 (nearly 9) year old going by the nick name of 'Amazed Earlthing' (by the way, how good a nickname is that?)

She says: (amongst other nice things), "I couldn't put the book down...a fantastic read...equal amounts of drama and hilarious laughs that hold your attention...it deserves to be in every school library."

It's a brilliantly written review. But then I would say that. But it still is. I'm totally being objective. Thank you Amazed Earthling!

Then the book had another lovely review from Litl Librarian here

So y'know. Don't just take my word for it.

Oh yeah, and as if that wasn't exciting enough already, The Hereford Academy Library (@THA_Library) tweeted that of all the Year 7's chosing their free books from Bookbuzz, My Best Friend And Other Enemies and Michael Rosen's Big Book Of Bad Things were the two most popular. Which is pretty incredible. 

Fixed link ]

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